The editorial board of the scientific journal “Intermarium” invites to cooperate in frameworks of the publication of scientific articles on various scientific areas
To publish an article in the scientific journal “Intermarium” No. 1, 2018, it is necessary to send the following materials to the e-mail of the editorial office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., before April 27, 2018:
- an article;
- author’s personal information (author’s surname, name, patronymic, place of work (study), address of the place of work (study), contact number, e-mail, postal address for sending of a printed copy).
- a receipt for payment of the publication fee.
After the article review (2-4 days), the author receives a response about the results of the review.
The publication fee is 20 € and covers the costs for review, technical editing, proof-reading, layout setting, printing, sending of printed copies, downloading of electronic version on the website and in scientometric databases.
Payment of the publication fee is carried out only after the approval of the article and the provision of payment details from the editorial office of the journal.
Requirements for article design
Format. A4, Microsoft Word (* .doc or * .docx).
Fields. 2 cm (bottom) x 2 cm (upper), 3 cm (left) x 1.5 cm (right).
Text. Times New Roman, 14 points; line spacing - 1,5; text alignment in width; indention - 1.25 cm.
Figures and tables. Submitted in the article immediately after the text, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and relevant.
Formulas. They should be typed with the use of the formula editor (internal formula editor in Microsoft Word for Windows).
Citations. In the article, there must citations by the page, as well as a list of cited bibliography at the end of the publication. The citation should be marked with a number without brackets and dots with the help of usual Microsoft Word cit. In the text of the citation it is necessary to indicate the following information: the author’s surname and initials; the title of the work, a subtitle is possible; place of printing; publishing house, year, a specific page the author refers to. In case of composition of bibliography, such information about a source should be indicated: the author’s surname and initials; the title of the work, a subtitle is possible; place of printing; publishing house, year; a total number of pages.
Volume. From 8 to 20 pages, inclusively.
Requirements for the content of the scientific article
Introduction (it is an obligatory part of the article, where the author indicates novelty and its urgent scientific solutions).
The purpose of the study (should be clearly formulated along with the research objectives, methodology, and analysis of the latest publications on the research topic).
The text should be divided into substantial sections with separate headings, covering the essence of this section. Headings should not be too long (1-7 words).
Conclusions (conclusions from the study, the essence of the results obtained in accordance with set tasks of the investigation). The conclusions should not contain data that is not in the main text of the article.
Structural elements of the scientific article
- journal section;
- surname and initials of the author (s), place of work (study), academic degree, academic rank, job position ˗ in two languages (in the language of the article and in English);
- title of the article ˗ in two languages (in the language of the article and in English);
- abstract (250-350 words) with such obligatory structural elements: the topicality of the issue, the purpose, methods and results of the study; key words (minimum 5 words) ˗ in two languages (in the language of the article and in English);
- the text of the article (can be in Ukrainian, English, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Moldovan, Romanian, Georgian);
- References. The titles of the Cyrillic sources, surnames and names of their authors (contributors, responsible and / or scientific editors), names of the journals, names of the conferences (workshops, symposiums, congresses, round tables) and publishers should be transliterated in Latin letters.
Further in square brackets it is necessary to put a translation of the title into English: monograph or another type of publication, scientific article, theses of the scientific report (message), and also the title of: conference, workshop, symposium, congress, round table and the like.
It is necessary to specify the source language of the source in brackets, for example, in Ukrainian or in Russian.
Transliteration must be done depending on the language of the original source.
For example,
- Baranovskyi, O. I. (2009). Fіnansovі kryzy: peredumovy, naslіdky і shliakhy zapobіhannia [Financial crisis: background, consequences and ways of prevention]. Kyiv: KNPEU [in Ukrainian].
- Holiad, N. Y. (2004). Metodika antikrizisnogo upravleniia regionom [The methodology of crisis management of the region]. Kremenchuk: Rehionalni perspektyvy [Regional outlooks], no. 6 (43):25-27. [in Russian].
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In case of questions, please, contact the editorial office.