The scientific journal “Internarium” is a multidisciplinary scientific platform. Its creation is the result of international scientific cluster of the same name.
The co-founders of the scientific journal “Intermarium” are the scientific cluster of “Intermarium”, the Baltic Research Institute of Transformation Economic Area and the publishing house “Baltija Publishing”.
The scientific journal “Intermarium” is the link that allows to discuss and keep abreast of all the new scientific ideas, to receive the information that is necessary for awareness and analysis of information for scientists, who are not only from the member countries of the cluster, but also from the whole world. This publishing house monitors the development of scientific thought of the countries of the Baltic and Black Sea region and the European Union, as a whole. It always covers the topical issues of every branch of science.
The concept of creation of our journal implies the necessity of development of the widest audience of its readers. For this reason, journal “Intermarium” long with printed version is distributed on the Internet gratuitously. Therefore, anyone who visits the journal page will be able to download any issue and pick up the necessary information from it, as well as to get acquainted with all the materials, published in the edition. In addition, the editorial board of the journal sets the task of the journal indexing in the largest possible number of modern scientometrical databases. Thereby, the authors and the articles are demanded the modern requirements.
The printed version of the journal is distributed among all members of the scientific cluster and other countries of the European Union.
The journal contains the following sections:
- Natural sciences (Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Geological Sciences, Geography)
- Engineering and Cybersecurity
- Agricultural Sciences
- Historical Sciences
- Economics and State Management
- Philological Sciences
- Juridical Science
- Social Sciences (Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Sociological Sciences, Political Sciences, Social Communications, Philosophic Sciences)
- National and Economic Security, Military Sciences
Acceptance of articles to the journal is carried out daily.
The journal publishes 1 time in 2 months.
Articles are published in English, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Moldovan, Romanian and Georgian. Abstracts are published in the language of the member country of the scientific cluster or in the language of the country which is represented by the author.
The journal editorial board practices a policy of the open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free distribution of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for a social progress.